I'll start with one of my go to websites for a great detailed image of packing items, courtesy of wdwprepschool.com. Then I will follow with my must Bring and even a must do list for Walt Disney World. Link to her blog
- *I always pack my daughter's outfits all the way down to hair bows and underwear, in individual plastic gallon bags. That way I can get ready and tell her or husband to just grab a bag out of the suitcase. Bam! She's dressed. Plus, it's always good to have plastic baggies for misc. stuff you get at Disney, so you can reuse them.
- *Rope Drop, Be There. We do it for all the parks, but if that is out of the question at least try to do it for Magic Kingdom.
- *Buy and bring cheap dollar store rain ponchos.
- *Bring band aids or something for blisters. Lots of walking. Lots and lots.
- *bring "mole skin" (small pieces of a felt-like material that you cover existing blisters with) See Above
- *Find the Gaston meet and greet in Fantasyland. You will not regret it. He is awesome.
- *Take a bathroom break in the restroom by Rapunzel's Tower in Magic Kingdom. It's fancy, that's why.
- *You can hoard your Disney shampoos and stuff. Tell a cast member you need more everyday and shove some in one of those gallon zippies I already told you to bring. Then when you get home and are missing disney, just lock yourself in the bathroom and use your disney bath products.
- *Want an inexpensive and super fun souvenir? Locate and collect pressed coins!! See link below.
- *Bring a larger than you need suitcase so you have room for all those Disney souvenirs on your return trip home. There are laundry rooms, dry cleaning, and valet laundry services at all Disney resorts. Save yourself some money by packing a little detergent. Lay by the pool and throw in a load so you can rewear those shorts, or shirts, or pjs.
- *Make special envelopes for Mousekeeping tips for each day! Perhaps leave $1 per person staying in your room and a little note of how you are spending your day! Something fun to do before you leave for that magical world!
- *Don't NOT buy a balloon in the park because you know you will not be able to take it on your plane trip home. Go ahead, then on your departure date, regift that balloon to a child arriving in the Orlando airport. You'll make their day.
- *Get some magnet "stickers" to decorate your hotel room door or vinyl ones for your window. Why? Because it's fun and you're at Disney, that's why.
- *A mini fan, preferably one that squirts water. It's dang hot, that's why.
- A squirt bottle (see above) Enough for everyone in your party, because fighting, that's why.
- *Reusable ice packs. Refreeze each night in your room fridge, to be used to keep water bottles and snacks cool and to cool you and yours off.
- *Sunscreen lots and lots of sunscreen. It's Florida and they don't call it the Sunshine State for nothing.
- *Sunglasses and sun visors, see above for the whys.
- *Extra Ziplock baggies, multiple sizes. For snacks and to keep things like iPads, iPods, iPhones, cameras, etc. DRY in the event of rain or Splash Mountain!
- **And last but not least, two words: DOLE WHIP. Do it. Trust me.
And not that I am a shoe salesman, BUT these shoes, right here, literally saved my feet our last trip. I thought I brought great shoes, after day 1, had blisters on the bottom of my feet and toes. By day 2, daughter had squashed both of my big toes. By day 3, band-aids on all but 2 toes. My step mother and dad came and met us and she brought a pair of these. Finally I could walk upright without a limp. I bought 3 pair in various colors for my next trip. Clarks® Breeze Comfort Flip Flops, trust me. |