I have always told my client to visit that bathroom, because it really is, as ridiculous as this sounds, a lovely bathroom. However, in the hustle and bustle of Magic Kingdom, even I never took the time to stop and admire the area until our last trip. It has a nice shaded sitting area, if you are lucky enough to get a seat and it is so richly decorated that you can sit and admire the beauty of this small area of Magic Kingdom.

If you remember Pascal, the little chameleon from Tangled, you’ll remember he’s sneaky and fun… and camouflages with everything!
SPOILER ALERT: Below are photos of the Pascals we found. If you want to find them for yourself, move along! Happy hunting!
But be warned, this little guy is hard to find! So far, we’ve heard there are 10 Pascals total and not even the cast members seem to have found them all. Here are the spots we’ve found him so far. Notice how much Pascal changes colors to blend in with his surrounding! So you’re never just looking for a little green chameleon.